So i "finished" this at 2am for the Judica Me II with the theme "Small Input, Big output" and boy did  I ignore that theme. So my original idea was to have this small stick do huge stuff, like, i had in mind to be able to hit the bombs in game to reflect it to enemies, and to hit normal enemies sending em high up into the sky, but time is a cold mistress and I don't want to lose too much sleep (a few hours is fine 👌)

I expect to be adding more stuff in the future, like the things that i just said.


WASD - Movement (arrow keys also work, but why would you use those?)

Left Click - Interact and attack

How to play:

Left click the pedestal and stall hitting stuff! (It's as easy as that!!11!!1)

If nothing spawns, wait for a bit, the game does not detect when all enemies are dead.

Number at the upper left corner is your health, if it goes below zero, nothing happens. Take it as an optional cheat, if it goes lower than 0, restart if you wish to play with honor. The number at the upper right  is your XP, and naturally, you won't see your current level, just guess when you level up :troll:

If you see a lot of green capsules (like 50 of em), then congrats! You won! (I never reached that far, I think it's impossible) (No, nevermind it is possible, had to crank down difficulty to avoid the lasers that are impossible to dodge)

(By the way, if you encounter a bug, it's now a feature, enjoy!)

To do list:

Let player deflect bombs and damage other enemies

Let player attack send enemies to space smash bros style

Let the player know when they level up

Better design on waves

Better and more SFX

Better UI

More feedback


Small sword, big strikes 26 MB
Small sword, big strikes 29 MB

Install instructions

Download and extract .zip file (x32 or x64)

Execute the .exe file inside to play

WebGL doesn't work Â¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

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